Sugar is the new drug, once your little one is addicted to it is not easy to get out of their system. These days I hear mothers and some midwives say “give your children sugar they need it for their growth” Dear mama, you little one does not need refined sugar or any sugary food to grow.
Do you know despite the fact that many children who consume excessive amounts of sugar are overweight, they may still be malnourished? Foods high in sugar provide empty calories. Empty calories are calories that provide little to no nutritional value. Children who fill up on empty calories are likely to miss essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, that would be provided by a nutrient-dense meal. This may lead to malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies.
- Sugar cause tooth decay. Sugary foods feed the bacteria that cause cavities.
- Sugar can affect kids behaviour. When blood sugar levels rise too high, the body releases insulin, which helps it to absorb the sugar into the cells to be used as energy. This can cause blood sugar levels to drop rapidly, leaving children feeling shaky and craving more sweets.
- Weakened immunity: The body’s microbiome is made up of trillions of good bacteria that digest food, produce vitamins and protect it from germs and disease. But when kids consume too much sugar, it can alter the balance between good and bad bacteria and weaken their immune system. Your little may still get frequent colds but their symptoms may be reduced if their sugar intake is reduced as well. If you pay a visit to your doctor frequently because your kid have a sinus infection (a cough, cold) and the doctor keeps prescribing cough drugs or antibiotics, you need to let go of sugar or sugary food. Antibiotic is an immune destroyer.
- Poor diet: Children who snub fruits, vegetables and other healthy fares may not be picky eaters, they might just be loading up on too much sugar which can cause stomach aches and poor appetite.
Instead of feeding them with refined sugar choose sweet fruits as a sweetener. The sugar in fruits is enough for their daily sugar needs. You can replace sugar with a natural sweetener like honey, dates, maple syrup, palm sugar etc. Remember they all contain sugar which affects the cavity so, use in moderation. You can check how I made date paste as a sweetener HERE.
Do you feed your kids with soda, fruit milk, biscuits, cereals etc…please take note that all this contain refined sugar give in moderation.
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