Toddler meal should be simple, healthy and rich. One thing all toddler mum must have in mind when making their baby food is balancing their diet, make each meal rich in vitamin and minerals. These will help the growth, brain development and provide adequate energy. If kids eat well classes of food not only will it help them grow, also help their skin and hair.
The 7 classes of food are:
- Carbohydrate
- Protein
- Vitamin
- Minerals
- Dietary Fibre
- Water
- Fats
These classes are further group into 5 to make it more understandable which are:
- Vegetables: These include greens, red, orange and purple vegetables
- Fruits
- Grains: This group consist of starchy food like yam, pasta, sweet potato, green banana, rice, oats and breakfast cereals. Mostly whole grains or high in dietary fibre
- Protein and legumes: Consist of meat, fish, egg, chicken, beans, nuts and seed
- Dairy: Milk, cheese and yoghurt
You should include all these in your kid’s meal to make a balanced diet. Sugary food can’t help your kids health it will rather cause damage to their health, home cook food is the only way they can get the balanced diet needed.
I always soak our beans overnight to make it easy to digest.
Try this delish beans and potato for your toddler and see how they get glue to their plate. This recipe serves 3/4 kids
- 2 cups of beans
- 4/5 Irish potato or 1/2 sweet potato ( peel and dice)
- 1 1/2 cup pepper mix (tomato, red bell pepper(tatashe) and chilli pepper or (habanero) rodo)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 medium onion (diced)
- 1/2 cup palm oil or any oil
- 1 tablespoon ground crayfish
- 2 tablespoon of groundfish or shredded boiled fish
- 1 tablespoon garlic and ginger
- salt to taste (1 year+)
- In a pot, add picked beans, water put on a high let it boil for 15 min rinse and add enough water to cook the beans, add the diced onions. Cook till the beans are semi-soft add the potato, reduce the heat and let it cook till very soft.
- In a saucepan add the palm oil and pepper mix on a medium heat cover let it fry for 5 mins. After 5 mins add the salt, garlic and ginger. At this stage reduce the heat and stir continuously to avoid burning
- After the sauce is done pour it into the bean & potato and mix well to incorporate. Reduce the heat to the lowest, leave it for 5mins and turn off the heat. Serve cool
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